Western Sierra Forestry & Natural Resources
Forestry and Natural Resources
Ricky Satomi, Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor: I serve as the forestry and natural resources advisor for Sutter, Yuba Butte, and Nevada counties. My research and extension activities are focused on forest management with an emphasis on new technologies, workforce development, best silvicultural and reforestation practices, and wood utilization. I have a master's degree in forestry from UC Berkeley studying the cost efficiency of forest fuel vegetation treatments.
We hold a variety of hands-on workshops throughout the year and provide technical assistance to community issues around Forests and Natural Resource Management. For questions, please reach out by phone at 530.822.6123 or email at rpsatomi@ucanr.edu
UC Cooperative Extension is an education and outreach program for the 300,000 family forest landowners in California. The Forestry Program provides research based solutions to natural resource related problems while advocating community needs to University partners. County Advisors deliver science based programs to forested communities in the following ways: