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Adding and Editing Events

Adding a new event

Click "Calendars" on the left menu of Site Builder, and you will see a list of your events. You will also see "Create New Event" on the blue sub-navigation menu. Click it to get started creating your event.

  • Event Name: Give your event a descriptive name. You don't need to include the date.
  • Start Date: Click into this field and select the date your event will start. You will have the option to add a different end date after the event is initialized.

Event Editing screen capture

Event Created!

Once your event is created, it will be initialized and you will be sent to a new screen.

  • Select Calendar/Create New Calendar: If you already have multiple calendars in your site, you will see each one in the dropdown menu. If you don't have any, you will just see "General," the default calendar. Adding new calendars is as easy as typing in a new calendar name. You can have as many calendars as you like.
  • Start Date/End Date: The start and end dates for most events will be the same day. However, for recurring events and multi-day events, they will be different. Recurring events use the start and end dates as a "span" in which the recurring events will be created. Only during this duration will events be created.

Recurring Events

Site Builder's calendar system can create events that occur once, daily, weekly and monthly. Here's how each selection works.

Single event screen capture

Single events are just one event that starts on the start date and ends on the end date. Typically, this is the same day, but for events that go on for multiple dates, you can create a span between the start and end date.

Daily event screen capture

The daily event selection will create events between the start and end dates on every day that you select with the checkboxes. If your end date is four weeks after your start date and you select Saturday and Sunday, a separate event will be created for every Saturday and Sunday during that span of time.

Weekly event screen capture

Weekly events are similar to daily events in that they are created during the span between your start and end date based on the criteria you set. If you create an event on a Friday with a span of two months that is set to recur every two weeks, than Site Builder will create an event every other Friday between the start and end dates.

Monthly event screen capture

The monthly events allow you to create those highly specific event recurrences, such as on the "second Tuesday" or "third Thursday" of every month.

Change all instances

When you edit a recurring event, you will have the option to edit just one instance or all instances. You cannot alter the dates of recurring events, but you can change times and delete individual instances.

Event Times

Event times screen shot

You can select specific start and end times for your event, or you can identify it as an "All Day" function. These times are important, as they are included in the "iCalendar" file that is linked on every event details page. The iCalendar file can be downloaded and imported directly into Microsoft Outlook and other calendar applications.

Sharing Your Event

Sharing event screen shot

You can share your events with other Site Builder 3 sites using the sharing utility. More details on the sharing system are available on the Calendar Sharing page.

Your Event Details

Event details screen shot

  • Sponsor: The sponsor will by default be your site's name. You can change this to anything you like or leave it blank. The sponsor field gets highlighted in the event description.
  • Location: Like the sponsor field, location also gets highlighted in the event description. You can put an address, a building, or anything else in this field. Leave it blank if you prefer it not show at all.
  • Highlight Description: The highlight description really comes into play when you are Deploying Calendar Asset. You have the ability at that point to select an event to "highlight." This event will appear above or below the list of events, depending on your selection. The "Highlight Description" will help accent it as an important event. You can use Site Builder codes in this description.
  • Event Information: The bulk of your event details go into this text area. Links to registration, documents, directions, etc. can be added here.
  • Mini File Library: This mini file library is here to quickly add files to an event and place them in the "Highlight Description" or the "Event Information." Files uploaded into this mini file library are automatically part of your main file library and their corresponding file codes can be used anywhere on your site.