Ventura County 4-H Program Management
This type of 4-H county management structure allows youth (YVAC) and adult volunteers (PDC’s) opportunities to contribute their time, talents and voices in a way that is important and meaningful to them.
Additional information on Ventura County Program Management Operation procedures can be found here. VC 4-H Program Management Operation Procedures
We're Looking for YOUR Help!
Program Development Committee (PDC)
Comprised of 14 Adult Volunteers leading a variety of programs for the county.
Responsible for the development and coordination of educational programs, events, activities, and training for Ventura county 4-H’ers.
Open Committees APPLY NOW! Click Here: PDC Committee Leader Interest Application
(click to see position descriptions)
Active Committees
Animal Science(Lg Livestock) Virginia Reyes | Animal Science (Sm Livestock) Gabi Billington | Consumer & Family Sciences Rachel McClanahan |
Annual County Events
Current Annual events run by PDC Chairs (county calendar here)
Fashion Revue | Presentation Day | Record Book Judging |
Sm Animal Field Day | Lg Animal Field Day | VC Fair Awards |
National Science Day | Achievement Night | Food Faire |
County Ambassadors | Volunteer Appreciation Event |
Calendar and events can be adjusted based on the interest and leadership of Program Development Committees.
Youth Volunteer Advisory Committee (YVAC)
Youth Volunteer Advisory Committee (YVAC)
Comprised of 9 Senior 4-H Youth Volunteers
Current County Ambassador Team: Not active - Looking for applicants
Interested Youth: Apply here
Assist PDC volunteers and provide oversight and final review of the county program plan and budget.
VC 4-H Management Board & PDC's

Unless otherwise noted, all meetings for 2022-2023 are held at:
UC Cooperative Extension
California Room
669 County Square Dr.
Ventura, CA
Program Board & Youth Advisory meet quarterly, dates TBD.
Program Board and Youth Advisory meetings are open only to members of the committees on the Program Development Committee.
Ventura County 4-H Director: Shannon Klisch |
4-H Region 11 Program Supervisor: Araceli Hernandez
4-H Community Education Specialist:
| Volunteer Finance Director: Emily Santos
Provide financial, policy, and administrative guidance.