Cooperative Extension Ventura County

Become a 4-H Volunteer

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4-H is only as strong as its volunteers!  Share your expertise and experience to help  4-H youth become future leaders.

Ways YOU can volunteer:

  • Be A Club Leader: provide administrative support for a 4-H club.
  • Lead a Project: share your interests and expertise with 4-H youth.
  • Volunteer at an Event: Assist for an hour or a whole day - we need you to support 4-H'ers as they plan and execute activities/events.
  • Join the VC Management Board: Lead a Project Development Committee (PDC)

New Volunteers
All volunteers must apply and be appointed annually.

New Volunteer

1. Let Us Know Your Interested

What would you like to do or how you would like to help? Click here to complete a volunteer interest survey.

2. Select a Club

Click here to see a list of clubs to find one near you. Contact the club leader to learn more about the volunteer opportunities available in the club.

3. Enroll at ZSUITE

Create a profile and enroll at ZSUITE

4. Live Scan Background Check

All new volunteers must complete a California Department of Justice Live Scan (DOJ and FBI) background checks. Our #1 priority is to keep youth safe while in our care. Request Live Scan form by sending an email to Janet Garcia,

5. Pay Enrollment Fees 

Enrollment Fees $28

Pay Fees Here

6. New Volunteer Training

All new 4-H volunteers are required to take the "2024-2025 California New Volunteer Course in the "eXtension" system ( before they are approved as volunteers. This online interactive training series introduces the best practices in positive youth development that are used in 4-H.  Create a user profile and complete the course here: 2024-2025 California New Volunteer Course and enrollment key: Ventura

7. Approval

The County Director or designee reviews and approves 4-H volunteer appointments after you have:

  •  Completed the Volunteer Interest Survey
  •  Enrolled in ZSUITE
  •  Completed the "2024-2025 California New Volunteer Course"
  •  Paid 4-H volunteer fee 
  •  Approved Live Scan results 

Additional How-to Enroll on ZSUITE resource

Thank you for volunteering with 4-H we are grateful for your service!

All 4-H volunteers must be appointed annually. Re-enroll annually to avoid a  break in service.


1. Create ZSUITE profile

Log into ZSUITE to update your profile to enroll for the new year. Please make sure the email address in the system is correct.

2. Pay Fees
Enrollment Fees $28
3. Complete Returning Volunteers Training

All returning 4-H volunteers are required to take the "2024-2025 California Returning Volunteer Training" course in the "eXtension" system ( before they are approved as volunteers.  Complete the course here: 2024-25 California Returning Volunteer Training and enrollment key: Ventura

4. Get approved as a
     4-H Volunteer

After application requirements and mandatory training are completed, the County Director reviews and approves volunteer appointments.

Additional How-to Enroll Adult Volunteer in ZSUITE Resource

Thank you for your continuous dedication with 4-H, we are grateful for your service!