Manage Drought

Water is an essential resource for all aspects of life. California’s years of rain and snow shortage are reminders to conserve our limited water supply.
• Recognize the signs of drought.
• Reduce water waste.
• Prioritize which plants to water when there just isn’t enough water to go around.
• Plan for a more sustainable future garden.
Adjust irrigation controllers
Irrigation controllers are commonly used to set start times, frequency, and duration of a home's sprinkler or drip system. Over-irrigation is very common. Most home landscapes irrigation times and frequencies can be reduced by 20 to 40 percent with little to no effects on landscaping.
Gradually reduce water use by 10 percent increments over the course of a few weeks, giving lawns, trees, and plants time to adjust.
Install a "Smart" irrigation controller, which automatically adjusts using current weather data, historical weather patterns and/or soil moisture sensor.
Check for and repair leaks.
Adjust sprinkler heads to maximize coverage, avoid watering sidewalks and patios.
Install a drip irrigation system, grouping plants with similar water needs together on one drip irrigation line.
Read more on irrigation practices here as well as water-saving tips