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Managing Subscribers

Subscriber numbers on main newsletter list
Subscriber button in subnavigation
Site Builder's newsletter system will manage your subscribers for you. When creating the group, you can set your group to accept subscriptions, and the system will automatically add a "Subscribe" form to any page that has that newsletter deployed in an asset.

The system automates the process that users would subscribe and unsubscribe to your newsletter, leaving you to merely add a new issue and send out a notification when your newsletter is published. However, you can also manage your subscriber list in Site Builder.

You can access your subscribers from the main newsletter list or by clicking "View Subscribers" in the blue subnavigation menu that appears when you are working within a newsletter group.

List of subscribers

On the subscriber page, you'll see a list of the emails that are currently subscribed to your newsletter. Checking the box next to a subscriber and updating the information will remove that subscriber.

Updating a subscriber's email

If you click on a subscriber's email address, you will be able to edit it. Please note: you will be editing this email address for ALL subscriptions this person has, not just this newsletter!

Add new subscriber box

Click on "Add Subscribers" on the blue subnavigation menu, and a box will appear, allowing you to enter email addresses for new subscribers. Don't worry about duplications, Site Builder will only add new, complete email addresses to the list.

Clicking "Send Email" above your subscriber list will take you to a separate page where you can compose and send out an email to everyone on your subscriber list. These emails are not stored in the system, so you may want to add yourself as a subscriber prior to sending one out. If you do this, you will receive the email as well.