Rainy, cool weather is fast approaching for many parts of California. To help you determine what to do in the landscape during this time of the year UC IPM offers a Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist.
You might think ticks are found only on hiking trails or in wild, natural areas, but in some parts of California, ticks can also live in backyards and neighborhoods.
Have you attended a UC IPM Urban and Community Webinar this year? Then we'd love to hear from you! We are interested in learning what topics you're interested in for future webinars and how you have used or shared information from the webinar.
Forget the bats, spiders, and black cats. If you want to learn about some truly spooky creatures this Halloween, keep reading! Many people are familiar with insect predators, like lady beetles/ladybugs, that eat other insects.
If you recently planted cabbage, broccoli, or kale, (often called Brassicas and cole crops) keep an eye out for cabbageworms! The adult cabbageworm is a white butterfly with one to four black spots on its wings. They lay eggs individually on the leaves of brassica plants.