Urban and Community Integrated Pest Management
Urban IPM in Yolo, Sacramento, and Solano counties

This is the web page of Karey Windbiel-Rojas, Area Urban Integrated Pest Management Advisor for UC Cooperative Extension serving Sacramento, Yolo, and Solano counties.
Current projects are listed in the left side column.
For information on various home, garden, turf, and landscape pests, please visit the UC Statewide IPM Program web site to find specific science-based pest management information.
If you have home or garden pest questions, contact your local UC Master Gardener office by visiting their web site or help line:
Yolo County or call (530) 666-8143
Sacramento County or call (916) 876-5338
Solano County or call (707) 784-1322
You can also find UC Master Gardeners offices in other counties at http://mg.ucanr.edu/FindUs.
Contact information:
2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618
(530) 750-1241 (office)
(916) 291-7791 (cell)

Interested in some of our UC IPM Urban and Community program statistics? We have been gathering information on our website views, social media engagement, webinar reach, and more. Visit this page for more: https://ucanr.edu/sites/UCIPM_Urban_Stats/Webinars/index.cfm.
Follow my blog and the UC IPM statewide blog:
Contribute for a Better Future
Sanjeev K Dhungana

Steve H Dreistadt
Steve Elliott

James J Farrar

Lauren Fordyce

Sandipa Gautam

Peter Goodell

Christopher A Greer

Ping Gu
Lindsey Hack
Brooke S Haley-Herevia

Krystle Hickman
Petr Kosina

Chinh N Lam

Tunyalee Martin

Chris McKerracher
Belinda Messenger-Sikes
Idongesit Mokwunye

Jennifer Neumann
Timothy Nguyen
Randall Oliver

Stephanie P Parreira-Zweier
Jasmin P Ramirez-Strain

Cheryl A Reynolds
Fernanda G Rosa
Cherie Shook
Joseph Simpson
Cynthia L Stapleton
James J Stapleton

Joyce F Strand
Bobby Tooyserkani
Emma K Tribble
Lauren C Vuicich

Shannah M Whithaus

Karey Windbiel

Hanna Zorlu