UC Master Gardeners of Tuolumne County

UC Master Gardeners of Tuolumne County
Find answers to your home gardening questions, including plant and pest problems. When the garden is not open, home gardening assistance is offered by UC Master Gardeners through the help line at: 209-533-5912. The public may leave a message regarding a problem and a UCCE Master Gardener will return the call. You can also fill out our “Ask a Master Gardener” online form at https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=7269, or email your question to us at mgtuolumne@ucdavis.edu.
The Demonstration Garden is a project of the UCCE Tuolumne County Master Gardeners, whose primary goal is to educate the public about home gardening. Proceeds from plant sales support the UCCE Master Gardeners’ education programs and maintenance of the Demonstration Garden. For additional details contact the UC Cooperative Extension office at (209) 533-5695 or visit the UC Cooperative Extension website: http://cecentralsierra.ucanr.edu/
We are here to support and enhance the efforts of non-professional and home gardeners, and offer the following:
- Open Garden Demonstrations & Presentations
- Information Tables
- Information Hot Lines
- Plant Sales
- Articles
- Radio Shows- Over the Garden Gate at kaad-lp.org or 103.5 FM
- Videos- You tube at UCCE Central Sierra
Have a Gardening Question?
Contact the Master Gardener Hotline: 209-533-5912 or fill out the "Ask a Master Gardener" online form.
More Information:
Become a fan of UC Master Gardeners of Tuolumne County Facebook page by clicking here.
Have a turf lawn in the summer-dry foothills? Go to http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/TOOLS/TURF/ to learn how to test your sprinkler output.

Over the Garden Gate Broadcasts
Becoming a UC Master Gardener
Living with Fire
Resources & Information
Bark Beetle &
Tree Mortality Resources
Coping with Drought
Contribute for a Better Future
Upcoming Events
Open Garden Day
Nature's Whole Food Depot- Info Table
Sonora Certified Farmer's Market
Office Locations
UCCE Central Sierra Tuolumne County Office
52 N. Washington Street
Sonora, CA 95370
United States
Grace N Dean

Carol Dunsdon
Bonnie Fraser

William Frost

Sandra Gainza
Mariana Garcia

Gillian Garrett

Alejandra Giron

Alissa Hardie

Lindsey J Harwood

Kimberly C Ingram

Angela Johnson

Susan D Kocher

Robert Kreznarich
Cristina N Luquin

Daniel K Macon

Lynnelle Madsen

Mary Manning

Robin E Martin

Cailin McLaughlin

Justin Mickle

JoLynn C Miller

Haley O'Mara

Farrah Olson

Scott R Oneto

Kitty Oppliger

Mackenzie F Patton

Debbie L Powell

Hardeep Singh

Juanesha Spence

Lisa Uribe