Workplace Environment Survey

Nov 15, 2012

Hello ANR!

Many of you have been asking about the Workplace Environment survey, and the fact that it does not appear on your Portal.

At this time not all ANR staff/academics are expected to take the survey.  Many of our people will actually be taking the survey based on their campus affiliation.  Davis, Berkeley and Riverside will be sending the survey out to their employees in the near future.  Depending upon your ANR/campus affiliation you may be part of the campus group.

If you went into your Portal this morning to dutifully complete the survey, and there was not a link/thermometer, don't fret!  You will have the opportunity to provide your feedback sometime in the near future.

On the other hand, if you go to your Portal and you see the 'progress thermometer', then you are eligible for the survey- go ahead and do it!  Heck, you might even win an iPad.  But do it soon- we need everyone to fill out the survey by November 16th.

By Karl Krist
Author - IT Director - Foundation Plant Services

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