UCCE coordinator tells her tomato plans to LA Times

Feb 13, 2008

Coordinator of the Common Ground Program for UC Cooperative Extension in Los Angeles County, Yvonne Savio, shared with an LA Times reporter her plans to grow the Japanese Trifele Black tomatoes this year. Savio is one of many gardening and food enthusiasts whose plans were sought for today's "Kitchen Gardener" story, which encourages the planting of unusual foods in summer gardens. In fact, the headline announces "Yellow strawberries and pink pumpkins -- it's time to plant for spring."

Other unusual suggestions in the article include mentuccia, an Italian herb, and agretti, a feathery-leafed Italian vegetable. The Japanese Trifele Black tomatoes that will be grown in Savio's garden are an unusual pear shape and burgundy color, according to Johnny's Selected Seeds.

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist

Attached Images:

Japanese Trifele Black